Not all of the BBCode functionality supported by the system is available through the post editor toolbar buttons. See below for some of the hidden ones. These may be added as buttons eventually.
Header Text
Use [h1] to [h5] for different sized header text.
[h1]Header Text Goes Here[/h1]
Spoiler Tag
Use this to hide content from other users they manually uncover it. Primarily used when discussing topics which some users may not want to have spoiled, hence the name.
[spoiler]Hidden content goes here![/spoiler]
Center Align Text
This will make text display centered in the middle of the page.
[center]Hidden content goes here![/center]
Right Align Text
This will make text align to the right side of the page.
[right]Hidden content goes here![/right]
Vimeo Embed
Include a Vimeo video in your post. You'll need to get the Vimeo Video ID which will be the number in the URL
Horizontal Rule
Create a breaking line between your content.
Tables are a bit more complicated. You need the following: 1 table [table], containing 1 or more rows [tr], containing 1 or more cells [td]. You can optionally use [th] instead of [td] for header cells. See this generator for more help.
All tables will be created with responsive classes so they shouldn't break the page for mobile devices, but users may have to scroll to view all content.
[table][tr][td]Row 1 Cell 1[td][td]Row 1 Cell 2[td][/tr][tr][td]Row 2 Cell 1[td][td]Row 2 Cell 2[td][/tr][/table]
Just checking in to see how everyones been doing since the new year! 😀
I finally played Chinatown Wars, and it was legitimately one of the best GTA games ever, to the point that I'd actually rank it ahead of LCS and maybe even VCS.
Been hanging out with family and friends and talking about old movies and games a lot.
What have you guys been up to? Any cool new movies or tv shows you've been into? New games you've found and love?
Give a shout out for something you enjoy here!
I just finished an incredible show called Mr. Inbetween. An Australian original about a contract killer trying to balance his work life of murdering people at night, whilst trying to raise a normal daughter in a calm middle class home.
Just finished watching Shogun at the recommendation of my gf and absolutely loved it!
Also found out that a song that I loved to hear playing on the radio once every 6 months was from a band that I've never liked and that made me happy!
Touch of Grey -- Grateful Dead.