Network Account
By creating an account with, you are creating an account that can also be used with other sites on our network. After account verification, you will be able to log in and use your single account across all of the following websites:
Account Rules
We have one main rule. Be nice!
Your account may be banned at the sole discretion of website staff if you break any of the following rules.
- Don't be offensive towards other users.
- Don't spam.
- Don't impersonate other users.
Any comments or posts which we deem inappropriate will be removed by website staff.
No Spam / Advertising
If you're creating an account simply to advertise your website or services, or to post spam in comments or forum posts, don't bother. Your account will be disabled and all posts or links will be removed. For sponsored post enquiries please
contact us.
Legal Stuff
Your email address will not be publicly displayed or shared with any third parties. It will only be used for your log in and to send you any relevant notifications.
- Eligibility: Users must be of legal age and have the capacity to enter into a legally binding agreement.
- Account information: Users must provide accurate and complete information when creating an account.
- Passwords: Users are responsible for keeping their passwords secure and confidential. The website is not responsible for any unauthorized use of a user's account.
- User content: Users are responsible for any content they post or share on the website. The website reserves the right to remove any content that violates its terms and conditions.
- Intellectual property: Users must not infringe on any intellectual property rights when using the website.
- Prohibited activities: Users must not engage in any illegal or prohibited activities on the website, such as spamming, hacking, or phishing.
- Termination: The website may terminate a user's account at any time if they violate the terms and conditions.
- Disclaimer of liability: The website is not liable for any damages or losses resulting from a user's use of the website.
- Modification of terms: The website may modify its terms and conditions at any time, and it is the user's responsibility to review and agree to the updated terms.
- Governing law: The terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the jurisdiction in which the website is located.