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Website & Forum Staff Required

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Psy Staff
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

Hey everyone,


As the site is starting to get a little busier and there’s official GTA VI content to discuss, I’m going to need a little bit of help running things. I've been working on this site for over a year on an almost daily basis and practically everything you see has been written, uploaded, created or developed by myself - with a special mention to DuPz0r who came up with the original website logo and background.


I’m not always going to be online whenever new information is released so it would be great if there were a few other staff members who were regularly on hand to help out.


Please note that all staff positions are voluntary. It actually costs me money to run these websites - for server hosting, domain names and software licenses - but if traffic picks up and we’re able to cover our costs from ads or sponsors, I would like to reward staff either financially or with GTA-related benefits (shark cards, a copy of the game, merchandise etc).




Content Writers

I'd love to take on some writers who can create news articles and help keep the content pages up to date. Ideally I'd like us to be posting 2-3 news articles per week. We have always made a thing about not posting clickbait which is why I’ve always preferred quality over quantity, but with actual GTA VI news and content to discuss, there should be plenty of new features we can come up with on a weekly basis. Different writing styles and opinions will also be a benefit to the community.



No previous experience necessary, however I’m looking for people who can come up with good quality content. Everything must be written in your own words (besides quoting original sources). Experience with HTML would be beneficial, but I will assist with editing all content so it’s not entirely necessary. Being a huge GTA fan and staying on top of the latest GTA VI news will of course be very important.


Social Media Managers

I’d like a few people to help with the Twitter and Facebook accounts, posting things daily and joining in with other people’s GTA-related conversations to generate engagement. There are a lot of accounts on social media which do this quite successfully already, but their content is usually limited to Twitter or YouTube. We have an entire community dedicated to GTA VI so the plan would be to direct people back to the website and forums as much as possible.



You must have your own Twitter account so we can delegate access to the @GTAViceNet account to you. The same will be possible for our iGTA5 and iGrandTheftAuto pages on Facebook. You'd need to be online daily.


Forum Moderators

As the number of members picks up and the forums become busier, it’s going to be necessary to have a few extra staff who can help with any problems, particularly removing any inappropriate posts, suspending problematic accounts and ensuring conversations stay on topic.



Any experience moderating forums would be appreciated, but as long as you understand our rules and help to ensure members follow them, that’s all we need. You would need to be online and visit the forums on a daily basis if possible.



Anyone interested in sponsoring the website or requesting sponsored links from within our articles or content are more than welcome. If there is demand for it, I may roll out a paid "Gold Member" subscription service which we’ve previously had on other forums. This would be a one-time fee for members to contribute to the website costs. Benefits would include an exclusive private forum, the ability to disable ads across the site and other features to be announced.


Anyone interested in any of the above, either reply to this topic or complete the Contact Us form on the main website and I’ll be in touch.



Edited by Psy
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