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New Feature: Private Messaging

Psy's Avatar Image
Psy Staff
Posted (Edited)
Posted (Edited)

Hey all 😁.


I've just finished building private messaging into the website system. When you're browsing the forums, clicking on a user's name will display their profile pop-up. From there you'll see a button to "Send Message". You can also go directly to your Messages page where you can see any conversations you're currently a part of, create a new conversation and invite one or more people to it, or turn off messaging altogether.




Starting A Conversation

If you start a new conversation, either by clicking on a user's profile or from the New Conversation button on your Messages page, you'll have admin controls over the conversation. You'll be able to add other users into it and lock the chat (preventing new messages). Currently you aren't able to remove users from a conversation but this will be added in due course.






Joining / Leaving A Conversation

If you've been added to someone else's conversation you'll be able to leave it at any time. You can disable new conversations from your Messages page which will prevent you being added to any new ones. Currently if you allow new conversations, a user will always be able to add you back into a conversation when you leave however block controls will be added in the future.





Sending messages is exactly the same as posting on the forum, you can include images and format your messages with BB Code. You can't reply directly to other messages though or like people's messages. It's intended for quick and easy private discussions.



If you have notifications enabled from your Website Settings , you'll see a little icon at the top of the screen and alongside Messages in your User Menu whenever you have unread messages in conversations you're a part of.




As this is a completely new feature there may be a few bugs, so let me know if anything doesn't seem to be working properly.

Edited by Psy
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