Introducing Our Community Forums
Published by Psy
Last Updated
We've just launched our custom built forums for discussion of GTA VI, life and everything else. Sign up and join the fun now!
These ones are different though, because they've been built from scratch for this website and will constantly evolve over time with new features and improvements. Whether you've previously been a member of our community or not, you'll need to create a new account and verify your email address to begin posting on our forums, but thankfully our Register An Account page is now live too!
We'd love you to sign up and join our community as we count down to official information about Grand Theft Auto VI, but lots of our forums are accessible to guests too if you just feel like lurking in the shadows.
Here are a few of the benefits you'll get by creating an account with
- Join our community and post on our forums.
- Upload images to include in your posts or choose from our website gallery.
- Customise your profile and signature.
- Unread posts and topics are highlighted so you can see what's new.
- "Like" other members' posts and share the love.
- Report offensive and rule breaking posts to keep our forums clean and friendly.
- Exclusive "Members Only" forums.
Members-only competitions to be run throughout the year where you could win games, shark cards or merchandise.
Comments & Discussions
- Quick posting of comments on website articles and pages.
- Vote on member-exclusive polls.
Future Features
- We intend to include many useful features with the launch of the game, such as...
- 100% Checklist - Track and record your completion progress.
- Interactive Map - Find your way around and save your own custom points of interest.
- User Screenshot Gallery
- Mods & Other Downloads
- Many more...
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